Do ya feel

Jean speaks French, not a word is said
For those who set sail on her waterbed
It's a fetish cruise, our pleasure to
Hmm do business with you

Do ya feel like taking 'em down
Do ya feel like taking 'em down

Love and hope, trust and faith
After prayer, it's back to Alice's place
Peaches and cream, angel food
If you can't get up then just get rude

Do ya feel like taking 'em down
Do ya feel like taking 'em down
Fight it all you want it's a love machine
Fight it all you want it's a love machine
Fight it all you want it's a love machine
Fight it all you want it's a love machine

Jean's well aware that time's no friend
Gravity's calling, the party will end
But until it does, love's for lunch
Half the world blows and half the world sucks

Do ya feel like taking 'em down
Do ya feel like taking 'em down
Fight it all you want it's a love machine
Fight it all you want it's a love machine
Fight it all you want it's a love machine
Fight it all you want it's a love machine

Right Said Fred

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Es gibt im Leben nur eine Sünde, und die ist: den Mut zu verlieren. (Johannes Mario Simmel)


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