Dienstag, 3. April 2007


Wenn man beim Umrechnen der Kalorien eines Joghurts (von 100 g auf einen Becher von 150 g) das ganze im Geiste jedoch grob mal 1,95583 rechnet ...

... befindet man sich dann noch immer in der Phase "Euro ist mir suspekt"?

... ist man einfach ein wenig verwirrt?

... ist man urlaubsreif?

... ist es ein erstes Anzeichen von beginnender Altersschwäche?
Alltäglicher Wahnsinn


Wahnsinns-Frau und Wahnsinns-Song

Like the Way I do

Is it so hard to satisfy your senses
you found out to love me you have to climb some fences
scratching and crawling along the floor to touch you
and just when it feels right you say you found someone
to hold you does she like I do

Baby tell me does she love you like the way I love you
does she stimulate you attract and captivate you
tell me does she miss you existing just to kiss you like the way I do

The tell me does she want you infatuate and haunt you
does she know just how to shock you electrify and rock you
does she inject you seduce you and affect you
like the way I do like the way I do

Can I survive all the implications
even if I tried could you be less than an addiction
don't you think I know there's so many others
who would beg steal and lie fight kill and die
just to hold you hold you like I do

Baby tell me does she love you like the way I love you
does she stimulate you attract and captivate you
tell me does she miss you existing just to kiss you like the way I do

tell me does she want you infatuate and haunt you
does she know just how to shock you electrify and rock you
does she inject you seduce you and affect you like the way I do

Oh nobody loves you like the way I do
nobody wants you like the way I do
nobody needs you like the way I do
nobody aches nobody aches just to hold you
like the way I do no no no-oh

Tell me does she love you like the way I love you
Like does she stimulate you attract and captivate you baby baby
tell me does she miss you existing just to kiss you like the way I do
The no tell me does she want you infatuate and haunt you

Way does she know just how to shock you electrify and rock you
Do does she inject you seduce you and affect you baby
like the way I do no like the way I do oh oh oh yea


Beiträge, die die Welt nicht braucht

Mein täglicher K(r)ampf

Es gibt im Leben nur eine Sünde, und die ist: den Mut zu verlieren. (Johannes Mario Simmel)


singlemama(dot)twoday (at)web(dot)de Egoload - Verträumter Idealist

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