Wie sexy bist Du?

Even though you are sexy, both men and women agree that confidence and a sense of humor are very important when seeking a date or soul mate. So whether you are looking for true love or simply dating, a confident smile goes a long way.

Line of Heart
Your Line of Heart is a curved line. You are creative and sensitive. Sometimes ruled by emotions, sometimes by imagination. Sometimes you let feelings get in the way of clear thinking, and often for the better.

Shape of Fingertips
The tips of your fingers are round. Sometimes other people seem too slow, so you finish their sentences for them. You are bright and intuitive, with a tendency to stick your neck out too far and getting hurt.

Thumb Flexibility
Based on the flexibility level of your thumb you are generous and open to suggestions. Flexible and friendly, original at times but willing to cooperate with the right persons. Open to experimentation and exploration.

Highest Mound
Your highest mound is under your ring finger. Happy when the center of attention. Like being under the spotlight. Strut your stuff.

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Stiftung Warentest
hexamore - 2006.07.06, 23:41

wir sind beide gleich "hot" *ggg*
thanks für's verlinken :-)

SingleMama - 2006.07.06, 23:42

gern geschehen ;o)

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Es gibt im Leben nur eine Sünde, und die ist: den Mut zu verlieren. (Johannes Mario Simmel)


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